Wednesday, October 08, 2008


You know what I'm really sick of? I'm really sick of hearing about how those KRAZY liberals are demoralizing America.

Can you explain that one to me again? Can you explain why acceptance of diversity in the amazing species we call man is a bad thing? Can you explain to me why wanting to help those less fortunate is a bad thing? Can you explain to me why going to war over oil and bragging rights is a good thing? Can you explain to me how it's immoral to base my beliefs about the creation of this world on reality rather than a book some guys wrote a few thousand years ago? Can you explain to me why my morality, based on what I feel as a human being is less somehow than the bigoted, hateful morality you get out of that old, evil book? Can you explain why my flaming faggot friends are less moral than you because they are true to themselves, despite what society told them? Can you explain to me why it's okay to force a rape victim to birth the child of her attacker? Can you explain to me why it's okay for you to teach your children that the kids that they go to school with and play with are sinners who are going to hell because they don't go to your church?

Can you explain to me why any of that is okay? I'm waiting. I want to hear it. I want to know how you justify that kind of bigotry - that kind of hatred - and that kind of blatant immorality.